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Weekend projects complete! June 7, 2010

Posted by misscraftyfingers in Crafts, Crochet, Knitting.
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I’ve been learning to knit for the past week. I started with a hat but that didn’t work out so well. The hat was way too big. I unraveled it sooooooo manyyyyyy times and it was still too big. lol. I guess I’m just not good at gauging sizes. 😛 or rather, too lazy to determine the gauge before I start a project.

the hat that was not meant to be 😦

Finally, I decided to be a little less ambitious and knit something smaller instead. I wanted to knit a mobile phone cozy. Again, with no gauge, I estimated the number of stitches for the phone cozy. And of course, it was too big! LMAO. In the end, I turned it into a water bottle pouch. I’m not done with the straps though. I’m crocheting the straps because I’m not sure how to knit it in. 😛 But, at least it’s a functional item. 😀

Knitted Water Bottle Pouch

Anyway, I really wanted to make a new mobile phone cozy. The last one I made, while functional, was pretty damn ugly. 😛 hehehe. So I decided to make a new crocheted one yesterday. I used the bobble stitch (or puff stitch). It fits pretty snuggly. I like it! I’m already starting on the 2nd one in light brown.

Bobble Stitch Mobile Phone Cozy

That’s all for my latest craft work! So, what did you craft over the weekend? 🙂